Prioritizing your Debt Obligations

Prioritizing your Debt Obligations

Newport Beach, California – If you owe everyone and their mother money and are wondering who to pay first, this will help you prioritize the debts based on the consequences you face for not giving them the money they are owed.  Based on the information...
Simple Credit Improvement Technique for ALL…

Simple Credit Improvement Technique for ALL…

Newport Beach, CA – Few consumers understand that changing the date their credit card bill is due each month could save them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yeah, you read that correctly…hundreds of thousands! A client recently attempted to refinance...
Simple Credit Improvement Technique for ALL…

Credit: GUILTY…Until Proven Innocent?

Our criminal justice system was founded on the premise of being innocent until proven guilty. However, when it comes to the data reflected on your credit report, you are presumed GUILTY until proven innocent. Tens of thousands of consumers are being turned down for...
Fundamental Issues in Our Credit System

Fundamental Issues in Our Credit System

The credit scoring system in our country was created as a tool to measure risk for lending money to consumers.  The credit score, in essence, was designed using a virtually top secret algorithm that produces a 3 digit number that reflects a...
The Truth about Junk Mail

The Truth about Junk Mail

Newport Beach, CA – Ever wonder how it is that you receive so many offers in the mail?  If your daily pile of mail looks anything like mine, it is likely littered with offers for credit cards, 3rd party car warranty programs, home loan refinancing, reduced...